an african odyssey
The Overlander

Welcome to this first edition of our new publication The Overlander, well you didn't think we would just give up after coming home. A little more on what this new publication shall entail in a moment. First let me confirm that after 2 years, 80,000 kilometres and 40 countries the Kat, the DuK and I are safely home. It has been the adventure of a lifetime and now we want to give something back.

To all those who have visited our site and dropped us words of encouragement we say thank you for keeping us inspired, to all those we met along the long dusty way, it was a pleasure and an honour to have met you.

To Africa a special thank you, she made us welcome, she made us laugh, she made us cry, but above all she made us live..


So what is it all about?

When our expedition came to its inevitable end, we like many others thought that was it. We intended to write a simple epilogue to our voyage of discovery with all the usual facts and figures. But then a strange thing started to happen, lots of other potential and actual overlanders started to get in touch asking for advice and nearly all complaining that there was no regular online publication aimed at overlanders.


How will it all start?

Obvioulsy we shall need to start relatively small as time is scarce and resources even more so. Initially we shall post articles on equipment and manufacturer reviews, route reviews, a travel medical clinic and some country information as well as a GPS corner. These initial postings shall be from our own personal experience over the last two years.


What will it aim to deliver?

Later we hope to add a regular features on routes, places to stay, equipment, travel medical clinic and articles submitted by those fortunate enough to still be on the road. The publication as it matures will become a living medium for those on the road to pass back wisdom and knowledge in a more magazine style, rather then the threaded message Bulletin Boards. Don't get me wrong we arn't knocking them, they serve a very valuable purpose. What we want is to provide a more stylised and information rich environment in which people at home and on the road can have a good read, catch up on one anothers exploits as well as seeing what is happening in the bigger world. Ultimately we hope that by clicking online and downloading people will start to read The Overlander just like they would with any other periodical when at home.

We are also hoping to set up a photo library, providing a protfolio of images submitted by overlanders during their tripst. These will be catalogued and then offered commercially, with royalties going back to the photographers.


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